Ambledown Cottage Pizzeria
- Sit down Meals
- Takeaway
- Bring Your Own Beverages Available
- Barrack Hill, Glaslough
- Contact Number: 074 - 88393

Conors Bar - Castle Leslie
- Bookings
- Drinks
- Variety of Dishes
- The social hub of Castle Leslie Estate
- Dine and relax with food and drinks
- Contact Number: 047 - 88100

The Batch Loaf Restaurant
- Bookings Available
- 4 Course Meals
- Local Cuisine
- Castle Leslie Estate
- Contact Number: 047 881 00

Glaslough Chocolates
- Handmade
- Local Choclatier
- Variety of Flavours
- Award winning Irish Chocolate
- Cycling trails nearby

Pocono Shop and Cafe
- Local Shop
- Ice-cream Bar
- Cafe and Restaurant
- Award winning Irish business
- Fantastic ice-cream & gelato
- Cafe upstairs serving breakfast & lunch